Design and Implementation of an Online Store for Demolition Equipment for DHB Polska

DHB Polska, a leading producer of demolition equipment in the Polish market, has decided to launch its own e-commerce platform. The company offers a wide range of demolition tools, from heavy hydraulic hammers and demolition shears to adapter plates and seal kits. The e-commerce aimed to increase direct sales, reach new customers, and ease the burden on the sales team.

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Elite HTS Transforms Website Experience with AR-Range

Teaming up with AR-Range, a team of experts in online product personalisation, Elite HTS set out to breathe new life into its website, setting the stage for a dynamic online experience.

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4 Examples of Using 3D Configurators in Online Sales

Product configurators can play a crucial role in a company's marketing and sales strategy, aiding in the creation of customized products, increasing customer engagement, and enhancing competitiveness in the market. We present four examples of 3D configurators implemented for various industries and purposes.

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3D configurator for the sale of a personalized energy storage bicycle

The HR Bank stationary bike is an innovative device that stores electricity with the possibility of completely personalizing the product in terms of the colors, materials and accessories used. The sale of products prepared according to individual customer choices required an online tool enabling product personalization in real time.

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The Power of Web Product 3D Customizers Across Industries

In today's competitive market, the ability to offer personalized products has become a game-changer. With the emergence of web product customizers, businesses across diverse industries now have a powerful tool to revolutionize their sales strategies.

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3D configurator in the ecommerce. How does Lprint help customers create unique product packaging?

Lprint is a modern printing company that provides custom packaging with individual prints, in large and small quantities. In order to meet the constantly changing needs of customers, Lprint decided to implement a multifunctional online configurator, which is designed to streamline and facilitate the process of customization and ordering individual packaging.

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Repeatable 3d configurator for furniture ecommerce (case study)

How to create a universal and repeatable configurator that enables the presentation of high-quality visualizations of all possible product configurations in real time?

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What is a Product Configurator? How it works, types, examples, benefits.

A product configurator is a software tool that allows clinets to customize and build their own unique products. This tool is often used in ecommerce where customers can specify their preferences, such as color, size, materials, and features, to create a personalized product that meets their specific needs.

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Photorealistic animations as an amazing way of presenting the product (case study)

How to obtain quality content presenting the product in a tempting way that will attract the attention of consumers and encourage them to purchase. Learn how to use 3D models to create stunning and photorealistic product animations.

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The 3d product configurator improves the sale of modular furniture (case study)

The BLU stores chain is a market leader in the bathroom equipment industry in Poland. The company offers i.a. bathroom furniture, ceramic tiles, fittings and sanitary ceramics. The advantage of the brand is professional advice and flexibility in the design and equipment of bathrooms.

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How augmented reality (AR) or product configurator can improve your way of selling custom products? What to expect when implementing these tools?

Want to revolutionize your business and improve your way of selling custom products? Consider implementing augmented reality (AR) or product configurator tools. These cutting-edge technologies can help you increase conversions, develop individual sales channels, and make more informed decisions about investments in new tools.

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Is Augmented reality good for your industry and business?

We distinguished 4 kinds of Augmented Reality to make it less confusing. Check out this quick guide and decide which one is the best fit for your business and if it can provide your brand with the value you are looking for.

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In 2023 stay up-to-date with competitive methods for furniture ecommerce

It's important to give customers confidence in their purchases and a great shopping experience. How product configurators, augmented reality and credible paying methods can reduce customer hesitation?

 Here are a few strategies that can be effective for furniture ecommerce:

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Consistent ecommerce development is Augmented Reality (case study)

Paradise Grills is America's largest outdoor kitchen manufacturer, which offers the world's strongest built outdoor kitchens, fire features, and Tiki huts with many personalized options. Over a year ago, the company decided to implement a 3d configurator, which would allow customers to adjust the grill islands to their individual needs. The 3d configurator turned out to be a game-changer but its distinguishing feature was just behind the corner.

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How Augmented Reality support sales of custom, hand-crafted Home Theater Seating

The Canadian manufacturer of the highest quality home theater seats, Elite HTS, decided to entrust customers with the personalization of its products. The 3D configurator built on the Sketchfab platform turned out to be the best tool for this task. Another natural step in experiencing a product and tailoring it to clients individual needs is to give them possibility to try it at home. Web Augmented Reality (webAR) is becoming an increasingly common technology used by both smaller and larger brands, neatly weaving webAR into the e-commerce sales process. AR in e-commerce is no longer a niche solution, and by 2024 over 1.7 billion people will be AR users. Currently, according to Statista, there are 1.07 billion of them

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3D configurator best tool for selling custom products

What obstacles do customers in your store encounter when choosing and personalizing products to meet their needs? Are you able to display all product variants in real-time? How much time and resources are allocated to this process? Additionally, what value does this personalized experience bring you in terms of time saved and revenue generated?

In a landscape of fierce competition for attention and customer retention, maintaining competitiveness becomes particularly challenging, especially amidst a 3.2% decline in spending on durable goods in 2022. Therefore, it is worth considering whether we are utilizing effective tools to drive product sales.

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Enchant clients with products details to sell more in your ecommerce

The post-pandemic market has certainly become more competitive for brands selling mainly online. Many traditional sellers have been forced to expand the omnichannel sales model. 

Therefore, among others furniture brands are changing and investing in the development or building of new sales tools in online channels, with an emphasis on mobile first.

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Use of Augmented Reality in furniture e-commerce (article)

Sofa, wardrobe, chair or even new pieces of graphic art are those kinds of goods that are more expensive and stay with customers for longer than for instance a jumper. Furniture decorates our houses, flats, or gardens for years. We have contact with them every day. Therefore, these purchasing decisions are less likely to be impulsive. They require a longer verification process to ensure they fit the space in which they are to appear. Selling these types of goods requires rethinking the technologies and tools that are being used online.

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Your new garden home. Pure Modular (case study)

“Working in pyjamas, with your kids around, with TV on, knowing that this Pringle’s- filled kitchen is just 10ft away is sooo cool.
For the first 3 days.

...then it becomes frustrating”.

In times conducive to remote work, looking for a place to concentrate, we are out there on our own. No more cosy office, fruity Thursdays, table football or a beer-filled fridge the boss pretends to have no idea about.

You want to work in focus? You need to create your very own workplace. You don’t want to get a ticket? You need to do it at home. One might say - mission impossible.

But is it?

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Customise your new sofa and preview with Web-AR (case study)

Why can personalized products constitute a competitive advantage, and then turn into a shot in the knee? Furniture makers whose sales were based on brick-and-mortar stores learned this lesson at an accelerated pace as trade moved online in 2020. After all, their customers wanted to touch the fabrics, feel how comfortable the product is and finally see it with their own eyes.

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Easiest way to configure a modular sofa (case study)

Imagine you want to reduce your production costs. So you decide to standardize the production a little. You switch to modular furniture. This way, with just a few products, you have an unlimited number of combinations on offer. It seems to you that all the problems with production, storage and personalization are over.

Then you realize that you have no way of showing the client his future piece of furniture.

Never mind - you are doing a photo session. You order to photograph several variants of your sofa, but you know the downside of this solution. Taking the photo does not reflect even 1% of the possibilities offered by the modules.

You just got back to square one. Your client sees the photo and then calls you asking: "I have as much and as much space, what would you advise me?" It wasn't that, was it?

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How to use augmented reality as an advantage in selling your products?

Augmented reality offers great opportunities in many areas, although initially it was mainly used for entertainment. In recent years, it is used, in industries like medicine, education, training, online commerce, and tourism. It has a large contribution to the development of business around the world, not only among giants such as Google, Amazon or Meta, but also small and medium-sized companies use it. All you need is openness and access to a tool or team that understands AR and knows how to use it in business.


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Best tools to boost sales of furniture online

Branża meblarska napotkała w ostatnich latach wiele przeszkód. Wiele firm w szybkim tempie przeszło głęboką transformację i dopasowało się do rynku, na którym sprzedaż online odgrywa coraz większą rolę. 

Choć rok 2021 był dla rynku meblarskiego bardzo dobry pod kątem wzrostów (706.02 mld USD) to 2022 był już trudniejszy, sprzedaż spadła do 696.46 mld US zmuszając firmy do kolejnych zmian. Jednak patrząc na prognozy na kolejne lata przychody z branży meblarskiej będą rosnąć (769.59 mld USD) a kanały online będą odpowiadały za coraz większa część sprzedaży

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Capture customer attention and give an outstanding shopping experience with AR

Augmented Reality (AR) is quickly becoming an essential tool for businesses looking to capture customer attention and provide an outstanding shopping experience. Here are 5 ways and examples how to use augmented reality as a significant value in your online store, showroom or overall communication with a customer.

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Product Configurator in WordPress

Brands selling products personalized via WooCommerce from WordPress often need online tools that make it easier for customers to customize the product according to their own preferences. What should you pay attention to when choosing a product configurator and how to build it step by step?

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Design and Implementation of an Online Store for Demolition Equipment for DHB Polska

Elite HTS Transforms Website Experience with AR-Range

4 Examples of Using 3D Configurators in Online Sales

3D configurator for the sale of a personalized energy storage bicycle

The Power of Web Product 3D Customizers Across Industries

3D configurator in the ecommerce. How does Lprint help customers create unique product packaging?

Repeatable 3d configurator for furniture ecommerce (case study)

What is a Product Configurator? How it works, types, examples, benefits.

Photorealistic animations as an amazing way of presenting the product (case study)

The 3d product configurator improves the sale of modular furniture (case study)

How augmented reality (AR) or product configurator can improve your way of selling custom products? What to expect when implementing these tools?

Is Augmented reality good for your industry and business?

In 2023 stay up-to-date with competitive methods for furniture ecommerce

Consistent ecommerce development is Augmented Reality (case study)

How Augmented Reality support sales of custom, hand-crafted Home Theater Seating

3D configurator best tool for selling custom products

Enchant clients with products details to sell more in your ecommerce

Use of Augmented Reality in furniture e-commerce (article)

Your new garden home. Pure Modular (case study)

Customise your new sofa and preview with Web-AR (case study)

Easiest way to configure a modular sofa (case study)

How to use augmented reality as an advantage in selling your products?

Best tools to boost sales of furniture online

Capture customer attention and give an outstanding shopping experience with AR

Product Configurator in WordPress